The "Breakthrough" Package
In this session, we are going to break those "blocks" in half!
Service Description
What to expect? 1: Share what you're blocks are. What's holding you back? What is making you unhappy? 2: Once we know what they are, I will remove them for you. I have a very specific process for you to be free of these negative habits. What are "blocks"? Emotional blocks = fear of loving, fear of trusting, fear of commitment? Emotional blocks are the things we've taught ourselves to protect ourselves from feeling trauma or pain when it comes to new relationships or emotional connections. Sound familiar? Well this comes from somewhere in your past, I'm going to show you where it is, and together, we're going to get this out of your way. Physical blocks = too much chocolate? Overeating? Can't leave a job you dislike? Alcoholism?Smoking or lack of exercise/motivation? Physical blocks are the patterns you've created in your mind that present themselves as negative cycles. Somewhere along the line, you got in the habit of doing time you continued to do them, you continued to justify these actions. All in all, we have these narratives built from negative habits and loose justifications that continue to place us in a world of hurt. Why? The mind is designed to protect itself. If you have had trauma from a past relationship, for example, you threw your heart into it, perhaps you were cheated on, the lesson your brain decided to keep is "don't do that again, don't trust again, you'll get hurt". Therefore, every time you see a similar situation present itself in your life, your brain kicks into defence mode even though you might be dealing with a completely different individual than the first. The biggest thing you have to risk here is getting so deep into these patterns, that every situation that comes to you, you subconsiously "react and destroy". Your brain decides it's a risk and you're no longer in consciously in control. The habit has calcified. Sound familiar? You're not alone. The Breakthrough Package, WILL stop this from happening. If you're sick of feeling this way, stuck in a cycle of the same feelings and negative experiences again and again, here is your sign. Here is the remedy. Guys, so many of my clients come to me not knowing how to get out of these cycles, not knowing the tools to improve these areas of their life. I can guarantee you that I will break these cycles in half so you never have to deal with them again. I offer a free consultation before you sign up too. Now you have someone in your corner. Let's go. ...Rhi x
Contact Details
Broadbeach QLD, Australia