How to discover who you truly are and then apply yourself to your new life without you in your way. In this program you will learn the tools to be free of your limiting beliefs and the things that hold you back in life and have held you back from being the best version of yourself. After these sessions you will feel lighter, stronger, confident and positive.
We create our beliefs systems from a really young age based on our external influences.
We pick up certain traits and personality idiosyncrasies from the ones we look up to and those who raise us as kids as well as family members and any other influences we are presented with.
We often, without realising at the time that who we are actually learning from are still living in the pain and shadows of their own attachments.
This pattern is often passed on generation to generation without even realising what is happening or the consequences it is having on us.
Unfortunately as a result of these projections, we find ourselves in and out of relationships not knowing why, unable to truely love or find love, creating fear based on the ‘what if’ or worse, always feeing 'stuck'.
The program below will help you relearn who are you, prevent you from stepping back into these increasingly frustrating patterns projected onto you by others, and will arm you with the tools to move forward in your life as it is your own...
...Strong. Confident. Positive.
Here's your timeline to feeling free and unstuck...
Session 1:
The Awakening
Creating awareness on where this all began. Do you feel like you keep having the same relationship?We'll find out where it all began and we will. We will do hypno to find out exactly where this all began for you. We may only need to scrape the top, some of us have incredible access to ourselves and pretty much just need a nudge to get us to that level of awareness where we can see those events, those visions. My line of questions will make it so easy to access this part of your life and the hypno will ease you into understanding how it got there.
Session 2:
The Clearout
Now we've established where it all began. In this session, we will go on a journey to the past present and future, we will relinquish the attachments to the event. In the present, we will understand your journey thus far, what have you learnt, how far have you come. Then we go into the future, how are going to be feeling when leave this session, what are your new emotions what is the new version of you now the old attachment is gone. Let's manifest that, I will help you truly see a new future free of that stuck feeling! Free of those ties and straps that have been holding you back all this time. The future is the most important thing in this session, the past is gone. With your new acquired tools and strategies, you can move forward in your life strong, confident and positive.
Session Three:
Having control of your original goal.
The primary goal of this session is embody this new version of you. At the end of this session, you will feel lighter, more confident, your negative mental chatter will be gone. In the final breathes of this session you will feel like your life has just started and the over bearing silent weight of your past issues, gone.
After session one and two we have removed past attachments, In session three, we go deeper in the subject that you originally came here for. Over half of this session is spent in hypno. We will allow you to confirm with your body, that you have truly removed the past attachment from session two. Once that's done, we will zoom in on how to be the new you. The relearned you. How do we do that? Through hypno, you will be given the tools to the fight the triggers that used to make you react, or if you have limiting beliefs, now that they are not part of your future you, we will cut ties with them officially. You will feel them removed from your body and the feeling you'll feel will be cleaner and lighter. This is the focus for session three. Now you are free.
Session Four:
The New You!
Now you've arrived. You have relearned who you are. Cut away all the things that were weighing you down and preventing you from being you... you will learn about the power of consistency.
You've done the work to start your life again, in this session you will learn how to apply yourself to being consistent with your own growth and learning the tools of how not to go backwards. You will also learn the skills to identifying and having the awareness NOT to become attached to the same thing that used to hold you back. For example, if you came to us wanting to stop entering toxic relationships, from this session you will learn the skills to identify those red flags and have the power to only accept what is wholesome for you and find a relationship that is healthy, loving not feeling that you need to fill a void in your life.